Records and Information Management

Accurate information is key to our success. We must create and maintain records that are complete and wholly correct.

Each of us must do our part to ensure that Bio-Rad’s information is accurate and complete. We make decisions every day based on information recorded at every level of our operations. Incomplete or inaccurate information may lead to poor decisions or negative consequences.

The records we create as part of our daily responsibilities also have a significant impact on the financial information Bio-Rad discloses to the public. Therefore, we must be sure that the records we create, including time cards, expense reports, inventory reports, research test results, production and quality data, and any other corporate information, are true, fair, and accurate.

To meet these obligations, Bio-Rad has adopted policies and procedures concerning record retention and the types of documents we are required to maintain. We have established retention schedules for each type of record, and we have specified circumstances when it is necessary to maintain or segregate certain records.

If the Legal Department or your manager notifies you that documents or electronic files in your possession are subject to a “legal hold“, or are needed for an investigation, you must follow directions and preserve those documents. Under no circumstances should you destroy, conceal, or alter them in any way.


  • Review the Records Management Policy & Procedures Manual
  • Review the information you are keeping:
    • Desktop files
    • Files in file cabinets
    • Electronic files
    • Records sent off-site
    • E-mail
  • Ask yourself:  “What do I have, and why am I keeping it?”
  • For Official Records, apply the Record Management concepts and practices detailed in the training.
  • Contact the Global Records Management Lead with any question.
  • We make sure that Bio-Rad records are recorded promptly, accurately, and completely.
  • We report any issues with Bio-Rad’s records, including any false entries, inaccurate information, or missing information.
  • We cooperate with any internal or external investigation and follow any legal hold orders.

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Key Terms

    Any type of information created, received, or transmitted in connection with conducting Bio-Rad business. Records can be in many formats and found on a variety of media. Examples of common formats and media include:

    • Paper
    • Electronic, such as: Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Databases, Information in application and systems, such as SAP
    • Electronic communications, such as e-mail or instant messages
    • CDs, thumb drives, mobile devices, and other portable devices
    • Websites and collaborative tools, such as SharePoint, blogs, and wikis

      A notification regarding certain records when there is actual – or even a possibility of – litigation or an audit or government investigation. The Legal Department will notify you of pending matters and provide a description of the types of records that may be affected by the legal hold. You are expected to locate and preserve, not destroy or alter, the records referenced in the legal hold. You will be notified when the hold is released and you can return to your regular retention schedule.


       A: No. We must not follow any order that would cause us to violate our Code, our policies, or the law. If your manager instructs you to do something against our Code, our policies, or the law, seek help from the other resources described in our Code including the Bio-Rad Integrity Helpline.

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      A: We have a Vital Record Security and retention schedule that determines how long employees should keep the records in their care. While the specific retention policy and schedule can vary by department and type of record, its overall purpose is to:

      • Ensure the integrity, security, and availability of information needed for Bio-Rad’s records and information management activities;
      • Comply with applicable laws and regulations that prescribe minimum and maximum time periods for retention of certain records;
      • Preserve and retain records that are necessary for the protection of Bio-Rad’s legal rights;
      • Support the efficient retrieval, transfer, and storage of records; and
      • Provide for the proper destruction of records that are no longer required.

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      A: Yes, according to Bio-Rad’s record retention policy and schedule, it is the expectation and policy that all Bio-Rad workforce members, vendors, and contractors comply with the terms of the policy and applicable law at all times.

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      A: We are committed to enforcing this policy as it applies to all records, and the effectiveness of Bio-Rad’s efforts depends largely on its individual members – us.  If inappropriate conduct is not reported, Bio-Rad may not be able to take appropriate corrective action.

      If you believe in good faith that you or someone else may have violated this policy, please report the incident immediately. No one will be subject to any form of discipline, reprisal, intimidation, or retaliation for reporting incidents of inappropriate conduct of any kind or for cooperating in related investigations.

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