Violations of This Code

Alleged violations of our Code and policies are thoroughly investigated and can have serious consequences, including financial or reputational penalties, and discipline, including termination.

Part of your job and ethical responsibility is to help enforce this Code. You should be alert to possible violations and promptly report violations or suspected violations.

You must familiarize yourself with our Code and understand that a violation of the Code could include both taking a wrong action (intentional or not), as well as NOT taking a required action. Both types of conduct could create legal, financial, and reputational problems for you and the organization.

Not every violation of the Code is as clear cut as fraud or bribery. And as our business grows ever more fast-paced and complicated, it can become harder to identify the right actions and make good decisions. This is why we must ask questions and report any concerns we might have.

You can trust that violations of the Code will be addressed. If necessary, an investigation will be conducted by trained personnel using the Bio-Rad investigation process. The investigation process at Bio-Rad is consistent, fair, and prompt. We should fully cooperate with any Bio-Rad investigation and provide all information requested.  Investigations are conducted by either the Corporate Compliance Department or HR, with support from Legal and other experts as appropriate. You should not investigate matters yourself.


  • We follow the law, our Code, and our policies.
  • We cooperate when asked to support investigations into alleged violations of our Code or our policies.
  • We understand that retaliation for reporting violations of our Code or our policies will not be tolerated.

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Key Terms

    Includes wrong actions as well as failure to take proper action where required by the Code.

      Using punishment to train and correct violations of rules. Can include punishment up to and include termination.

        Consequences for violating local, regional, or international laws that could include fines, restitution and remediation, jail or prison time for individuals, or being banned (debarred) from certain markets for organizations.

          A formal process to learn the facts about a situation or issue, a formal inquiry, study, or examination. At Bio-Rad, investigations are conducted by qualified personnel using a process that is consistent, fair, and prompt.

            There can be many negative results for violating the Code. In addition to legal penalties, there is also the cost of lost business opportunities and investigation and remediation costs.


              A: No. We must obey the law, our Code, and our policies regardless of any instructions from our manager or other leaders. Our obligation to follow the rules is greater than any obligation to follow orders. You should report any such issue immediately. You can also reach out directly to our Corporate Compliance Department.

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              A: You should ask your manager, supervisor, Human Resources Department or other channels identified in the Asking Questions and Raising Questions section of the Code, or you may ask the question through the Bio-Rad Integrity Helpline at Our Integrity Helpline is available to Bio-Rad workforce members, officers, directors, business partners, and other third parties, except where prohibited by local law.

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              A: Bio-Rad encourages you to report suspected violations of the law of the Code, and we prohibit retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports a violation of the Code or cooperates in an investigation. This is true regardless of whether the underlying report is found to be correct or results in corrective action. If you feel that you have been retaliated against, you can report this through the Helpline or through other resources identified in the Asking Questions and Raising Concerns section of the Code.

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              A: You can trust the Bio-Rad investigation process to be consistent, fair, and prompt. Investigations are carried out by trained personnel using the Bio-Rad standard protocol. Investigations are conducted by either the Corporate Compliance Department or HR, with support from Legal and other experts as appropriate. You should not “investigate” matters yourself.

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              A: It is understandable that you would be concerned. However, it is prohibited to launch reprisals, retribution, threats, or retaliation against a person who has in good faith reported a violation or a suspected violation of law, this Code or other company policies, or against a person who is assisting in good faith in any investigation or process with respect to such a violation.

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              A: If you suspect illegal action or activity, you should report it or talk with your manager or supervisor about it. Bio-Rad counts on you to exercise high ethical standards and good judgment at all times, whether or not an issue is specifically addressed in the Code. No code of conduct can address every situation; you are responsible for abiding by the policies in place at your work site and understanding the laws applicable to your job.

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